Right On-Demand Assistance
Efficiency For Everyone


RODA – Readily on Demand Assistance, is more than just outsourcing. Giving flexibility and choice for our clients, we allow big corporation to be more agile and help small to medium enterprise getting an edge against bigger players.

Eliminate Cost

Costs eliminated

Eliminate Time

Times eliminated

Eliminate Trouble

Troubles eliminated

Eliminate Risk

Confidentiality Ensured

Estimated Cost Savings




Estimated time Savings

How and How Much?

As simple as counting:

Pay based on your needs:


Commitment free help based on your required time:


Need an extra hand on a project? Indonesian prefer to call it ‘borongan’

Specific-task based

Perfect if you require specific specialties of our staffs.


We do not charge and instead gets a percentage of the net income. Consider this to be a capital investment, but instead of money, it’s extra sets of hands.

How we do things?

We employ modern software to ensure our staff productivity and ensure zero bottlenecks on our projects. As a client, you will be able to monitor us to ensure that not a single second went wasted.

Microsoft 365 Suite


Our productivity tracker that enables the highest degree of integrity, Jibble takes desktop screenshots on a random interval, as well as mouse movements, keyboard strokes, and also tracking what application is being used. If required, we can output Jibble report for you to review.


Our preferred Human Resources software that enables geolocation tracking, automated payroll process, employee self-service for leave and attendance requests. It allows us to focus on more things that matter, not paperwork. If required, we can output Talenta’s attendance report for you to review.

How We Can Help

Administrative Support Service

Management-Level Implementation

Operations Assistance

Research and Implementation